Wednesday, October 16, 2019


synonym Mycotic Pneumonia
Various fungi including Aspergillus fumigatus.
Occurance and Economic Significant growth
The disease is world-wide in distribution but cases are more frequently
diagnosed in tropical countries especially during warm and humid weather.
Contamination of egg shells with Aspergillus spores results in colonization of the air cell. This is followed by subsequent infection of the respiratory tract of pipping embryos and hatching chicks.
Horizontal transmission can occur in the hatchery or during handling and delivery.
Clinincal signs
Morbidity may attain 10% of the flock with corresponding mortality during
the first 3–12 days. Affected chicks are disinclined to move and show labored breathing with extension of the head,frequently accompanied by a whistling rale.
Mycotic encephalitis (infection of the brain) results in lateral recumbency, incoordination and coarse muscle tremors.
Numerous 1mm diameter yellow to green nodules are observed in the lungs and air sacs and occasionally in other organs including the brainand eye.
Characteristic lesions are highly suggestive of aspergillosis. Confirmation of the diagnosis requires culture using an appropriate fungal medium (Sabouraud’s dextrose agar). Histological examination of lungs will reveal
characteristic hyphae.
Improving nest-box hygiene, increasing the frequency of collection of eggs to four times daily and where possible, substituting plastic nest pads for litter will reduce the prevalence of aspergillosis.
Decontamination of eggs by formalin fumigation or application of a QAT or phenolic
disinfectants is advised, but eggs should not be washed by immersion.
Decontamination of setters, hatchers, and air ducts is recommended
including the use of aerosol generators and medicated “candles.”
The efficacy of cleaning procedures can be monitored, using an appropriate microbiological detection procedure such as an air sampler or exposed

1 comment:

DEALI said...

Dear there is no proper vaccine is used to treat this disease but we can use antifungal agents to reduce the disease Treatment of aspergillosis involves the use of one or more systemic antifungal agent. Drugs which are commonly used include itraconazole, ketoconazole, clotrimazole, miconazole, fluconazole and Amphotercin B. From these drugs, itraconazole is a choice of treatment of the disease