Friday, June 5, 2020


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 The success of operation will depend on quality of the chicks and type of management in brooding and later rearing the first 20 weeks of life of the bird will largely determine the production rate for the next 12-14 months. This is the time  the farmer must not leave everything to the attendants.

To prepare the brooding house, allow at least a full week to get ready for the chicks. The following steps should be taken÷
** Move all equipments outside for cleaning and scrubbing with a powerful disinfectant, and removed all cake manure.
**Wash down the house completely.
**After complete washing, the house itself is ready for spraying with powerful disinfectant, which should be mixed according to the instruction printed on the label.
**Dry the house, leave doors and windows open.
**When the floor is dry , spread at least 7.6cm (3 inches) of good litters evenly(wood shavings,  rice hulls or chopped straws).
Partition the floor area so that there are no more than 2,000 birds per pen,
Together we feed the Nations.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Cockerel Medication and Vaccination with Feed Consumed by 100 Birds

 Medication and Vaccination of Cockerels with Feed Consumed by 100 Birds from Week 1 to Week 24
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Monday, November 18, 2019

Click Here To Get Your Complete Organic Poultry farming Ebook

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How to make your home made Tea Powder Just like Milo Tea

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**GRINDED SUGAR 500G(Icing Sugar)
**POWDER MILK 200G....
............METHOD ....mix all the ingredients in a bowl and stir for it to combine verywell.then sift it in a tight fitted container and cover.your milo is ready.
but when u want to drink it.u can add extra milk nd sugar.if u wish.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

How Inadequate Feeding Affects Uniformity in Broiler Chickens

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How Inadequate Feeding Affects Uniformity in Broiler Chickens

It is only normal for some chicks to be stronger than others. However, you can help the weaker ones grow fast by providing sufficient feed. If you fail to provide sufficient feed for your broiler chickens, the stronger ones will eat first. Leaving nothing for the weaker ones. The longer you practice this evil, the more the gap in their weight and sizes, and the more you lose your profit. Here is what to do. Always provide enough feed for your birds to promote uniformity in weight and size of your broilers.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The A-Z of making your own quality chicken feed at home to cut costs

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To formulate feeds, farmers have to use the Pearson Square method. In this method, the digestible crude protein (DCP) is the basic nutritional requirement for any feed preparation for all animals and birds.
Now, assuming that a farmer wants to make feed for their chicken using this method, they have to know the crude protein content of each of the ingredients they want to use to make their feed.
The following are the DCP values for each of the common ingredients used in feed making:
Whole maize — 8.23%
Soya — 45%
Fishmeal (omena) — 55%
Maize bran — 7%
Sunflower — 35%
Each category of chicken has its nutritional requirement. For example, if we want to make feed for layers, the feed should have at least 18 per cent crude protein.
If one was to formulate feed for layers, then they would have to calculate the percentage of DCP in each of the ingredients they want to use to ensure that the total crude protein content is at least 18 per cent.
Therefore, to make a 70kg bag of feed for layers, a farmer would require the following ingredients:
34kg of whole maize
12kg of soya
8kg of omena (fishmeal)
10kg of maize bran
6kg of lime (as a calcium source)
To find out if all the above ingredients meet this standard of 18% crude protein, a farmer can do a simple calculation as follows:
Whole maize — 34kg x 8.23 ÷100 = 2.80 %
Soya — 12kg x 45kg ÷ 100 = 5.40 %
Omena — 8 kg x 55kg ÷ 100 = 4.40 %
Lime — 6 kg x 0 kg ÷ 100 = 0.00%
Total % of crude protein = 13.30%
To get the total crude protein percentage of all these ingredients in a 70kg bag of feed, the farmer should take this crude protein content of the combined ingredients, divide by 70kg and multiply by 100, thus — 13.30 ÷70 ×100 = 19%; this shows that the crude protein content of the above feed formulation is 19%, which is quite adequate for layers.
To ensure the chicken to get all they need in terms of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and amino acids, you need these additives in their standard quantities.
In order to make it even simpler for farmers who would wish to make their own feeds, below are feed formulations for each category of chickens and stage of growth already worked out such that all the farmer needs is to buy the ingredients and mix them:
Making a 70 kg layers of layers chick mash (1-4 weeks)
Growing chicks require feed with Digestible Crude Protein (DCP) of between 18 to 20 per cent. The following formulation can be used to make a 70kg bag of layers chick mash:
31.5kg of whole maize
9.1kg of wheat bran
7.0kg of wheat pollard
16.8 kg of sunflower (or 16.8 kg of linseed)
1.5kg of fishmeal
1.75kg of lime
30g of salt
20g of premix Amino acids
70g of tryptophan
3.0g of lysine
10g of methionine
70 g of Threonine
50g of enzymes
60g of coccidiostat
50g of toxin binder
Making a 70 kg bag of growers mash (4 to 8 weeks)
Growers (pullets or young layers) should be provided with feed having a protein content of between 16 and 18 per cent. Such feed makes the young layers to grow fast in preparation for egg laying:
10kg of whole maize
17kg of maize germ
13kg of wheat pollard
10kg of wheat bran
6kg of cotton seed cake
5kg of sunflower cake
3.4kg of soya meal
2.07kg of lime
700g of bone meal
3kg of fishmeal
14g of salt
1g of coccidiostat
18g of Pre-mix
1g of zinc bacitracitrach
7g of mycotoxin binder
Making a 70 kg bag of layers’ mash (18 weeks and above)
34kg of whole maize
12kg of Soya
8kg of fishmeal
10kg of maize bran, rice germ or wheat bran
6kg of lime
Amino acids
175g premix
70g lysine
35g methionine
70kg Threonine
35g tryptophan
50g toxin binder
Layer feed should contain a Digestible Crude Protein (DCP) content of between 16-18 per cent.
The feed should contain calcium (lime) for the formation of eggshells (laying hens that do not get enough calcium will use the calcium stored in their own born tissue to produce eggshells).
Layer feed should be introduced at 18 weeks.
Formulating a 70 kg bag of broiler feed
Broilers have different feed requirements in terms of energy, proteins and minerals during different stages of their growth. It is important that farmers adapt feed rations to these requirements for maximum production.
Young broilers have a high protein requirement for the development of muscles, feathers, etc. As the broilers grow, their energy requirements for the deposit of fat increase and their protein requirements decrease.
They therefore require high protein content in their starter rations than in the grower and finisher rations.
Broilers should have feed that has between 22 -24 per cent DCP. The following guidelines can help the farmer to make the right feed at each stage of growth:
Broiler starter feed (1-4 weeks)
40kg of whole maize
12kg of fishmeal (or omena)
14kg of soya bean meal
4kg of lime
70g of premix
Amino acids
35g of lysine
35g of Threonine
Preparing broiler Finisher feed (70kg)
10kg of whole maize
16.7kg of maize germ
13.3kg of wheat pollard
10 kg wheat bran
6 kg of cotton seed cake
4.7kg of sunflower cake
3kg of fishmeal 2kg of lime
3.4kg of soya meal
40g of bone meal
10g of grower PMX
5g of salt
5g of coccidiostat
5g of Zincbacitrach
NOTE: For farmers who have more than 500 chickens, it is advisable to make 1 ton of feed at once (There are 14 bags of feed in one ton).
Therefore, to make 1 tonne of feed, all a farmer needs is to multiply each of the ingredients by 14. Ensure that all the feed you make will last for one month and not longer — this ensures the feed remains fresh and safe for chickens. Any feed that lasts more than one month may deteriorate in quality and can affect your chickens.
Daily feed requirements for each growth stage
Farmers should maintain the right feed quantities for chicken at each stage of growth as shown below:
— An egg-laying chicken requires 130-140g of feed per day.
— A chick requires a minimum 60g per day. If they finish their daily rations, give them fruit and vegetable cuttings to ensure they feed continuously.
— Young chickens (or pullets) which are about to start laying eggs should be fed 60g for 2 and ½ months and then put on layer diet (140g per day). Supplement the feed with vegetables, edible plant leaves and fruit peelings in addition to their feed rations.
— Broiler chicks require 67g per day. Broiler finishers require 67g of feed per day to the day of slaughter.
— Chickens are very sensitive to aflatoxins- never use rotten maize (maozo) while making feeds.
Where to buy ingredients
Farmers who need raw materials for feed making including feed additives (pre-mixes and amino acids) can order them from agroveterinary shops nearest to them.
There are also companies doing calibration services for farmers who wish to make feeds in large scale farming enterprises and even for any farmer who requires these services.
Buy quality fishmeal from reputable companies. If omena is used, the farmers must be sure of its quality; most of the omena in the open-air markets may be contaminated. Farmers are advised to go for soya meal if they cannot get good quality omena.
Always mix the micronutrients (amino acids) first before mixing them with the rest of the feed.
For mixing, farmers are advised to use a drum mixer (many jua kali artisans can make one). Never use a shovel to mix feed because the ingredients will be unevenly distributed.
Important: To improve on the feed quality, farmers making their own feeds should always have it tested to ensure the feed is well balanced.
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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Feeding Program For Chicks


Chicks feeding program

The chick’s phase of the chicken growth stages starts from a day-old to 4weeks of age. During this period, some medications and proper attention being paid to the chicks, especially the feeding. Heat is very important during this phase to activate the appetite of chicks, making them feed well.

What to feed chicks is not the same as what you feed laying chicken.  Day old chicks are fed chick starter feed; Layer pullet chicks need 18 to 21% protein chicken starter.

This type of chicken feed is usually high in nutrients, about 23% CP for starter feed for broiler chicks. This poultry feed allows rapid growth and development of the tissues, bone formation and enhances overall performance during this phase of the chicken growth stages.

The amount of feed per chicken during brooding is not usually determined as chicks are feed Ad-libitum. Chick starter feed is served in a plastic chicken feeder because of easy cleaning and handling during the first 10 days of brooding.

After 10 days, feeds should be served in gravity chicken feeder or PVC chicken feeder in preparation of the other growth stages. Water is one of the important nutrient requirements of poultry. In the absence of chicken feed, water must surely be present. Water should be served using a clean chicken water feeder.
As chicken feed to satisfy their energy requirement, chicks pick up all the energy sources in the chick starter diet. Broiler chickens require high energy diet; a broiler feed contains 3200Kcal/kg, from day old to market size, usually 8 weeks and above.

When the energy content is too low, chicks will eat more to satisfy their energy requirements; however, high energy diet will make chicks eat less. When chicks eat less, there is a high tendency of deficiency of some nutrients as the chicks will not fully utilize the feed.

Broiler Feed Schedule


Broiler chickens are genetically bred for meat production; they attain market weight faster than other chicken breeds. Broiler feed ration is characterized by high protein content and energy; this specification conforms with their genetic make-up. There are two types of broiler feed, namely:

Starter feed for broiler chicksBroiler chicken finisher feed

The starter feed for broiler chicks is fed to broiler chicks between the ages of 0-4 weeks. During this period, aside from the broiler feed, heat is very important as earlier stated. The broiler starter mash contains a very high CP of 23-24% and energy content of 3200Kcal/kg.

The broiler chicken finisher diet should be fed from 5 weeks to 8 weeks, ideally. This broiler feed contains a CP of 20-22% and equal energy content as the starter diet.

When broiler feed is fed in the right quantity and quality, the chicken grows faster and healthier. For effective costing; you need to know the amount of feed per chicken. In the case of broiler; how much does a broiler chicken eat from day old to adult weight? Ideally, a broiler chicken will consume 2.5kg to 4kg or more of broiler feed, depending on the predetermined market age.
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Tuesday, October 22, 2019


One of the deadly poultry diseases is Newcastle disease. This disease affects chickens of all ages but more prominent in chickens under 6 weeks of age. There are vaccines developed to prevent Newcastle disease at different ages; however, in organic poultry farming where the use of vaccines and synthetic drugs is completely detested, herbs are used to achieve the desired health condition of the chickens.

The picture above is the Tagiri fruit. It is circular in shape and has originally green colour with patched whitish cream colour around it as seen below. It is found on the vine of its plant. Tagiri is one of the Yoruba herbs with copious health benefits to livestock. Research has shown that Tagiri fruit is highly effective at controlling and preventing poultry birds from Newcastle disease.
Tagiri plant is creepy in nature; it can be found in the tropical or sub-tropical areas in Nigeria. For those that are not familiar with its the Yoruba name, its common name is Christmas melon; either Tagiri or Christmas melon, you are referring o the same plant.
However, for you outside Nigeria reading this article but these names Tagiri and Christmas melon, are alien to you, do not be discouraged, the botanical name of Tagiri is Laganaria breviflorus. This is universally accepted; you can identify this plant by submitting its botanical name in any botanical institution or University research institutes.

 Step-by-step processes for Tagiri extract preparation

For organic poultry farmers or conventional poultry farmers interested in finding ways to reduce the cost of production by cutting expenses on poultry drugs and vaccines, here is a glad tiding to you as Tagiri fruit (Christmas fruit) can be used to prevent and control  Newcastle disease and other deadly poultry diseases.
The processes involved in preparing Tagiri extract for chickens is quite simple and easy to follow; I implore you to follow these processes keenly to get the best out of this herb.
  • Wash the Tagiri fruit (Christmas melon) thoroughly to ensure it is free from sand or dust residue.
  • Peel the Tagiri fruit (Christmas melon) as if you are peeling orange to expose its mesocarp
  • Slice the peeled Tagiri fruit (Christmas melon) into four or more pieces to aid fermentation.
  • Weigh the sliced Tagiri fruit (Christmas melon) cuts and add water at a ratio of 1:2; I mean if the fruit weighs 1kg, add two liters of water to attain the proper concentration or dosage.
  • Next is the fermentation process. Pour the water and the Tagiri fruit (Christmas melon) cuts into a bigger container with a lid. Cover the lid tightly and place in a safe place for fermentation to take place. Ferment the Tagiri fruit (Christmas melon) for 7days.
  • After 7 days, strain the mixture with a sieve to separate the liquid and solid portion.
  • Collect the liquid portion into different containers and store for use.
This is how to make Tagiri fruit extract for preventing and controlling Newcastle disease in poultry birds.
eatment of Newcastle disease. Mind you, prevention is better than cure.
  • For prevention: Add 10ml of the Tagiri extract to one liter of water weekly.
  • For treatment: Add 30ml of the Tagiri extract to one liter of water; serve your chickens daily for 5 days consecutively.
Christmas melon or Tagiri fruit has no toxic or detrimental effects on your birds instead it helps reduce mortality and keep your birds healthy.
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Monday, October 21, 2019



A lot of studies have been carried out on some herbs for poultry and they have been proven to be very effective; these organic antibiotics are broad-spectrum and cover lots of infections. The recipes used to make these organic antibiotics for chickens are natural and can easily be gotten at relatively low cost
One of the advantages of using these organic chicken antibiotics is that they do not contaminate the chicken’s products, thereby making the eggs or meat safe for consumption at any period.
The following recipes can be used in making organic antibiotics for poultry birds.
  • Raw or unadulterated honey.
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Scent leaf
  • Turmeric
  • Cayenne pepper
The above recipes are natural and have been tested to be vertical potent antibiotics.

Using Raw Honey As Organic Antibiotics For Chickens

Raw honey, I repeat raw honey, is one of the essential commodities and blessings on all living things. Raw honey has copious benefits for both animals and man. Raw honey is a potent antibiotic and can serve as natural remedies for chickens; it can be used to cure any form of infection or diseases.
Using pure honey in poultry would not only serve as natural antibiotics but also anti-stress to alleviate all forms of stress in your birds, such as heat stress Although, quite expensive but it serves a wide range of benefits that would greatly boost the productivity and profitability of your flock.

Using Garlic And Ginger As Organic Antibiotics For Poultry

Garlic and Ginger are a must-have medical recipe in an organic poultry farm. The combination of these recipes gives a cheap and highly effective natural antibiotic. They are broad-spectrum natural antibiotics like raw honey.
Ginger and garlic are natural antibiotics for chickens; they are highly effective antibiotics. They can control other poultry diseases such as chronic respiratory disease and coccidiosis.

Using Turmeric And Cayenne Pepper As  Organic Antibiotics For Chickens

Turmeric and dried cayenne pepper can be used to treat coccidiosis in chicken.They are also very potent antibiotics and can be used for chickens without any discrimination.  You can have the two mixed together and served on a regular basis.

Processes Involved In Making Organic Antibiotics For Chickens

Organic chicken antibiotics are easy to make using any of the aforementioned recipes.
You can use any of the above recipes singly or combination of two or more recipes. Currently, there is no precise or standard formulation for the preparation of chicken organic antibiotics using the recipes above; however, you can use any of these formulations and observe the response of your birds; you can always make adjustments anytime you wish.
  • If you are using honey, mix the honey in clean water at a rate of 2ml per liter.

  • If you are using ginger and garlic with or without turmeric, weigh 500grams of ginger and 500 grams of garlic with or without 300 grams of turmeric. Blend these recipes in 2 liters of water; if you are using nipple drinker, it is best you strain the mixture to avoid blocking of the nipple by the solid particles in the mixture.

  • If you want to add dried cayenne pepper, ensure it’s not more than 50 grams. As for the scent leaf, add 100 grams or more, and blend in 2 liters of water. Strain the mixture to separate the solid from the liquid. The liquid is your organic antibiotics; you can serve your chickens anytime, either as a preventive measure or treatment of any disease or infection.

Dosage:  Serve your chickens 5ml of the liquid portion of the mixture in every one liter of water to treat or cure a disease. However, you can serve 2.5ml in every one liter for prevention. You can mix these recipes in different concentration and observe the response of your chickens to this medication.
With these organic antibiotics, organic poultry farming can be achieved and the cost of production can be greatly reduced without compromising the quality and quantity of egg or meat produced.
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